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Shaangu Power won an honor of “2013 5-star Enterprise for Fulfilling Social Responsibility among Chi
Shelf time: 2019-10-11         Browse times: 15282

Shaangu Power won an honor of “2013 5-star Enterprise for Fulfilling Social Responsibility among Chinese Machinery Industries”



Recently, 2014 Social Responsibility Report by China Industrial Enterprises & 1st ceremony for releasing star-rated enterprises was carried out in Beijing, China.This meeting was jointly held by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and China Federation of Industrial Economic. The topic of this meeting is “fulfilling social responsibility and promoting quality and benefits”. During the meeting, Shaangu Power gave the report about 2013 Shaangu Social Responsibility and honorably won the title of “2013 5-star Enterprise for Fulfilling Social Responsibility among Chinese Machinery Industries”.

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